Galileo’s Stepdaughter

Galileo’s Stepdaughter
by Amanda McCarter (2011)

Thousands of years after a devastating cataclysm, humanity lives in a new dark age. Technology and science are forbidden and a matriarchal church rules society. However, Ellia is ruled only by her curiosity. Defying the Church, she learns that all is not as it seems in the holy books and that humans once traveled to the stars and possibly beyond.

I initially thought this was steampunk, as it was in a steampunk bundle. It’s more in the post-apocalyptic genre. There is  steam technology, but it’s not really part of the story. Not really science fiction either.  It’s more young adult romantic adventure. And while well written (despite a few spelling mistakes) not really engaging.

It does end on a bit of a cliff-hanger. However it’s not interesting enough to continue.